Ningiura (My Grandmother/Ma grand-mère)

DURATION: 29 min
GENRE: Docu-drama
FORMAT: Video (colour)
LANGUAGE: Inuktitut, Eng/Fr s-t
DIRECTORS: Mary Kunuk, Marie-Helene Cousineau
PRODUCER: Arnait Video Productions
SOUND: Pacome Qudlaut
CAMERA: Marie Helene Cousineau
SCRIPT WRITER: Mary Kunuk, Marie-Helene Cousineau
EDITOR: Marie-Christine Sarda
CAST/PERFORMERS: Rachel Uyarasuk, Sylvia Ivalu, Charlie Qulitalik, Marie David
FUNDING: Telefilm Canada, ATPN, Channel 24, Canada Council for the Arts, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Quebec
SELECTED SCREENINGS: APTN (Canada), Channel 24 (Igloolik), ImagineNative Film Festival (Toronto, 2001: Best Video), Native Americain Film and Video Festival (New-York, 2003)


Ningiura is an experimental fiction based on authentic oral histories, traditional knowledge and contemporary reality of Igloolik today.

An elder and her grand-daughter get to know and appreciate each other after a family tragedy.